to those of you who make cbg's to be sold, what guidelines do you consider while priceing? i am thinking about making a few to sell at a craft fair and i am not sure what i should sell em for!

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"I don't really want to sell to these people, I have too much of me invested in every build for it to be nothing more than a wall hanger " I hear what your are saying and instruments are meant to be played but also think of Fine Art. All of Picasso/ Matisse/ Rembrendt/ ___insert_your_fav_artist_here's__ work ended up as wall art, as do many rifles, Harleys (Garage Ornaments), mooseheads (and I bet the Moose were enjoying those heads), heck even the occassional shrunken head! After that money comes to you it's their's!

That said, always picking your crowds will go a long ways. I started life out of college as a Fine artist and have sold on the street and in art galleries. Malls, and the street/ fairs will always end up with you getting short changed. Selling is not what you charge but what's worth to the person. Blues players will value the sound of a CBG because it sounds, as my girlfriend said, "like those great old records". Some Soccer-mom at the mall who's never heard of __insert_your_fav_pre-war_country_blues_hero_here_ won't value it as much as blues/ bluegrass picker that owns ten guitars (6 of which are vintage Gibsons or Nationals ;o) ).

Other issues that might help us all is seeing where we can cut costs. I saw adding frets pushes costs up. Fretless for the cheapskates! Crow seems to get along just fine without them ;o) I know fretting is what took the most time for me.

Just a few things that helped me over the years. I hope some of it will be worth something to someone here.

Dave Breault said:
I've mentioned before, once I got my head around all the sticky bits on a build, like fretting, tappering the neck and setting up the nut and bridge I began giving them away. I put them into the hands of people whom I know will play them and play them well, who will showcase them during performances and put in a pulg or two for me.
The price point is irrelevent in so far as I'll never recover my actual time on task costs if I charged what I feel my time is worth. That said, I have gotten some orders, one just recently delivered. Pricing is also dependant on who I'm selling it to, if it is some one I don't know then $200.00. Some one I know, $140.00. Some one I know well, $100.00. Some one who will probably never play it (generally these would be bought as novelty gifts) $300.00. I don't really want to sell to these people, I have too much of me invested in every build for it to be nothing more than a wall hanger or to end up in a yard sale. My philosophy is " I don't need the money and I don't intend to make a living at this."
Crow said:

you said it brother!

you can spend lots of time building a CBG but others just aren't going to see it as highly valued as we'd like.

i say, leave the build-n-sell stuff for the guys that can build the good ones, and who are able to support the customer base.

i've found it's much more fun to give them away or trade them like baseball cards.

anyone up???? would anyone like to build and trade for a signed "Uncle Crow"? i'll trade with anyone! it's like pokemon, gotta catch em all!
"Other issues that might help us all is seeing where we can cut costs. I saw adding frets pushes costs up. Fretless for the cheapskates! Crow seems to get along just fine without them ;o) I know fretting is what took the most time for me."

Fretting was a big part of the time on task for me at first, then I invested in a sweet little miter box from Michael's and made aluminum templates for a couple of standard scale lengths. Now I can fret a 22 fret 25.5" scale neck in about 1 hour. That includes dressing the ends as well. I spend more time sanding and finishing now, and setting up nuts and bridges. My tester goes over each one I build and gives me his recomendations for modifications which always seem to be "lower the action". If I can satisfy him then I know I have a good playing instrument.
@Dave Breault

"Fretless for the cheapskates!"

do you intend to say that by spending no money, refusing to buy real
tuners, failing to install real frets, ripping the piezo speakers out of
dime store toys and the use of migrant workers makes me a cheapskate?

and i suppose that since i pay my midgets half wages i must practically
call myself a scrooge?

next week i shall send my best dwarf out upon the interweb, where he shall
purchase for me one full set of CBGITTY's chrome tuners, thusly clearing my

but don't hold your breath on the frets.

good day!
hey randy, i just caught a pic of your last build. OMFG man.
just killer work!
hey, I was just quoting some one else, I'm the cheapest MoFo you'll meet, I'll use tooth picks when ever I run out of fret wire.

Crow said:
@Dave Breault

"Fretless for the cheapskates!"

do you intend to say that by spending no money, refusing to buy real
tuners, failing to install real frets, ripping the piezo speakers out of
dime store toys and the use of migrant workers makes me a cheapskate?

and i suppose that since i pay my midgets half wages i must practically
call myself a scrooge?

next week i shall send my best dwarf out upon the interweb, where he shall
purchase for me one full set of CBGITTY's chrome tuners, thusly clearing my

but don't hold your breath on the frets.

good day!
i was kidding. i don't really pay midgets anything.


Crow said:
i was kidding. i don't really pay midgets anything.

All right, I have to add my 2c worth. (Maybe 1.5c).
First, I build and create things for the same reason I attempt to play music. Personal satisfaction. If I can sell a few things to offset my costs of building more for myself, or accumulating more tools, bonus!
My dad, brother etc, who play a little conventional guitar, and appreciate music, may be intruiged by my displaying my latest toy, and I hand it to them after showing/explaining it to them. They smile and dig it so I say keep it, its yours. They may protest, I just tell them I'm building another.
That said, if someone wants to buy stuff, dont sell yourself short. I'd tell you what I would pay in an instant if I didnt prefer to build my own. (assuming all are reasonably built and set-up, and can be used to play well and sound reasonably good.)
Basic fretless acoustic three string, cheap tuners, no pickup, bolts (or similar) for nuts and bridge, etc. $75-100
Add a piezo and a little detail +$25
Add frets, an upgraded neck and headstock, a bone or some such nut and bridge, decent intonation possibilitys, possibly four stringer, I'd readily go $150 on up depending on the combination.
Add a preamp, or mag pickups, add more, etc.

Now an observation from someone who has studied the common suppliers of parts, and ready built CBG's
Most of the sites I have visited, (nothing personal and I am not pointing fingers or naming names,) Are poorly presented, confusing to use, etc.
I have looked at many offerings and found that after looking at all the pretty pictures and presentations, none of what I am seeing is actually available, or you have to e-mail someone to determine price and availability, or there is no link at all. I have even hit dead end links often when I click on links for purchase information.
Another thing, and an admission it is personal, if the link just refers me to an e-bay store I am not enthusiastic at all. I am not a fan of e-bay based on my personal experiences. Maybe its just my age/generation. Also it may be that I set up a paypal account only to have someone use the account to buy some expensive items, fight to get it straightened out and then fight (still fighting) to get my account unlocked so I can use it. Great, someone can use it to steal from me, but I cant use it legit! (sorry for the rant)
Sorry to go on so long, but bottom line, I'd buy right now if I wasnt the kind of person who prefered to build his own. But theres a potential market there.
I'd buy several hardware kits right now if I could find what I want and buy it from a trustworthy storefront that would accept my credit card without the PayPal BS. I'm short on time so I'd buy a handful of neck blanks right now If I could find what I want...... etc etc. The market for selling some stuff is out there, and some very good people arent taking advantage of the opportunity in my opinion.
Great thread, I love to see what other people think about this, seems if you play well you sell well. Lets me out, my playing stinks.
When I started to read this my brain was thinking why would anybody want to see these things, but the passion of the sellers here shows through, yes I love to build them as well.
I am a ex pro woodworker, at one point I thought I will some day quit this and build nice things for myself, friends and family, which is where I am now. When I started in on my first CBG I told my wife I have been resisting building instruments for years and have finally given in. She said why resist, I said, because if you want to be really poor build instruments.
So it was never mentioned in the posts but you have to love building, and seems play well and they will sell, a little creative marekting helps.
I sell a few so they don't pile up but not enough to be short of customers.
So don't sell yourself short, ask a fair price.
Cheers Ron.
I found that if I charge a realistic hourly rate for an artist/musician. . . .$60 per hour, then my guitars average out at $500 a piece complete with basic instructions and a free lesson. I've been selling at that price for the last 4 years without any negative feedback except for the usual one- in- a -crowd jerk.
These instruments are an art form and still way cheaper than a hand made accoustic guitar and they SOUND GOOD. .
Great thread here, good point made by all i'm really interested in building CBGs as my first attempt at luthurie! will be checking back here very often!
It's nice to see your timeout hasn't changed your dickish attitude.

Turkish said:
Randy S. Bretz said:
... there's no one else who makes bone slides like mine ...

To use Josh's quote from another thread ...


*cough* *kak* *gasp* *cough* *cough*...




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