Hi there fellow cigar box junkies.  I have been thinking that it would be nice to have a separate group or section specifically about tools, since you just have to have them to make something fun and musical out of a cigar box.  

Anywho, I was thinking about my chisels and about how much more useful they are when they are freakishly sharp.  For years I had chisels and I would attempt to sharpen them by hand and never really got them as sharp as I wanted until I found this little gem.  I found mine at Woodcraft and iirc, I paid about $14 for mine.  I currently use it with wet/dry sandpaper and backward stroke only, though on a diamond "stone" which is a perfectly flat piece of steel with diamond particles embedded you can use a push stroke, but don't have one of those at the moment.  I like this little jig and it is worth the money.  I use sewing machine oil as a lubricant.  http://www.amazon.com/Honing-Guide-Plain-Chisel-Sharpening/dp/B000R...

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We do have this group which might be what you are looking for:


Thanks, don't recall seeing that one.  I know where I'm going next.

Yep. that will work fine. Also you will want to have a waterstone. Woodcraft sells a double sided that is great. Get one and learn how to use it.

Oh and use water not oil. Water will float the residue out as opposed to let it hang in solution.



Actually this is the one I have, not the one linked:



the biggest problem i find that people have with new chisels is they think they come ready to use ! - well the end is nice and sharp but it will not last long at all if a Honing Guide is not used to Grind  a second angle - Grinding / Honing the second steeper angle still gives a razor sharp cutting edge to the Chisel but it makes the actual cutting edge last a lot longer and prevents chips in the cutting edge that you tend to get if you try to cut some hardwoods without first honing in your new Chisels

Like they say look after your tools and they will look after you! (-:

just be sure not to stab yourself in the stomach on accident once your chisel is sharp! speaking from experience here, bad idea

like my Dad used to tell me, always cut away from you ! (- ;

yep pretty much. i was bearing down on a chisel and it slipped and went straight into my gut. luckily the angle was such that it didnt go very deep

Ok, you know that little voice that says "If you keep your hand there, you will put that chisel into your palm"? I heard that voice for real. Guess what? I put the chisel into my palm. I such a dummmmass.


FWIW, I have found that shaping a neck with a chisel is much easier (for me) than using a draw knife. I like the control I have with a chisel, and that I don't feel with a draw knife.

Is that what the rest of you use chisels for?

One technique I learned from O'Brian Luthiers videos on Youtube is to use a spokeshave in combination with chisels. Use the spokeshave to work the profile of the neck (D-shape the length of the neck) and chisels to cut the heel if applicable. I have a blog post Here.



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