Anything I should know about trying a hardtail bridge on an acoustic guitar. Surely someone has done it before.

The pics are what I'm thinking about trying

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Why not? It leaves the option of a Flatbucker pickup in the future?

Hi Mel, yes that style of bridge will work, but acoustic sound will suffer. These heavy-style bridges are designed for electric guitars, normally made of solid timber.
As the aim of this is to not lose string motion or vibration into the timber body. Hardwood is also used for the same reason, to increase sustain.

The loss of any acoustic sound does not matter in these guitars as pickups are used to convert the string's frequencies into the sound that we hear.

In acoustic instruments, it's the top or soundboard coupled to the air in the box that does the work of the electric guitar's pickup, converts the strings' vibrations into sound. The better the top can respond to string vibration the better the output of the acoustic instrument.

Looking at your photo, and as you asked, I would suspect the output of your guitar as planned, might be very thin [tinny] due to a top that may not be as responsive as it could be. Added to this is the fact that the box looks shallow [not much air space] and the through neck will also affect air volume. Nice looking box though.

Sorry to be a bit wordy on the subject, but these are the things I take into account when planning a guitar of any kind.

I also remember that it's only a crude box so don't expect too much, just get the best out of it that I can.
Cheers Taff

Thanks Taff, I had some suspicions that what you have stated might be the case. I'll most likely use a different bridge.


I tend to side with BrianQ here. Part of what makes CBGs great is that they’re made from things you have on hand and each one is unique. Granted, classic luthier techniques apply to all instruments and Taffy is offering some sound advice. That said I’m a big fan of breaking the rules. :-) there’s no wrong way to build a CBG. 

Won't hurt to try it.  You may be surprised.

I built this one just to use in my computer chair that has arms.  A full bodied guitar doesn't work so well with the right armrest in the way.  The block underneath ends about 3/8" beyond the bridge studs.  The rest of the top is floating.  It is surprisingly resonant.

How did it turn out Mel?

I'm about to build with the same box and it seems to be covered in plexiglass. Did you have any problems with it cracking when cutting or drilling?

I have a cigar box ukulele that someone made for me with a bridge like that and it is not electric and it won't play for crap! (was that my outloud voice??) didn't work on my uke!

Hi Cindy, the answer could be in my post earlier, above. Even a bigger issue if nylon uke strings are used.

Cheers Taff

Hey Carl, I modified the computer chair. Haha.

:D   That works! 

I do like my armrests for computer work.  They are ergonomically setup to be the same level as the keyboard.  Nobody want carpal tunnel syndrome.


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