
The Women's Group

This is THE place for woman and girls to connect with each other on the CB Nation. We've got nothin' against the guys, but sometimes it is nice to just chat with the gals - share experiences, ideas, triumphs and challenges. Come on in, Gals!

Members: 63
Latest Activity: Nov 23, 2015

Discussion Forum

Who Are You?

Started by Susan Hunt. Last reply by TerryB Apr 7, 2014. 72 Replies

Sisters of CBN....maybe we should share something about who we are, where we're from (or where we're going?) Write as much or as little as you'd like. Hell, make it up if you want to. We won't know…Continue

Quick Guide for acoustic-electric string gauges

Started by Zandi Z. Last reply by Zandi Z Jan 20, 2014. 4 Replies

Hi ladies...thanks for the constant inspiration to you and all of Cigar Box Nation How to know which string gauge to use is a question which keeps popping up everywhere.i crunched numbers and made…Continue

Tags: gauge, string

My new guitar

Started by Jillian Holladay. Last reply by Cin wel Sep 4, 2013. 2 Replies

This is only the 3rd guitar I have made. All my other instruments have been ukuleles. It will be the first I have kept for myself and I am looking forward to learning to play it. The box is one…Continue


Started by steven beck. Last reply by steven beck May 10, 2012. 2 Replies

Come on, WOMEN ARE THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND EVERY MAJOR SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN HISTORY!  The Cigar Box Guitar Revolution is going to need a lot more Women to make it grow faster and give it more depth…Continue

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Comment by Dianne Woods on October 30, 2011 at 11:01pm

Hey yall, it is a long time since I popped in. Glad to see Zandi posting something.

Mama Mojo, it has been a long time for you, too. I am glad you have a successful business in building and selling your CBGs. It sounds like you have been busy.

Fall is here, and I can't do much. I had back surgery last week, finally the pain in my leg and hip has gone. I have been dealing with the pain for a few months in my back, hip, and leg. My sciatiac nerve was pinched in two places in my lower back. Now, the healing part. It will be 6 to 8 weeks before I can drive or do much. I already have cabin fever. It is a pain in the a-- to depend on someone to take you somewhere, even it is your best friend because I don't won't to take advantage of them.

Danny and I built a ramp with three platforms for Bubba to get up to the bed. He can't jump anymore, and I knew I wouldn't be able to pick him up--bout 20 lbs.

Bubba has been so good to use the ramp. We put side railing on the ramps so he wouldn't step off because he is almost blind, and we tacked down some non-skid material so he wouldn't slip. Now, Scottie is just laying on one of the platforms like a cat. He also likes to go under it. He is young, so he can jump up himself. So, I can feed them on the bed myself; pick up the bowls myself.

After I woke up from the operation in recovery, the dr.. prescribed a pain killer for me which stopped my heart. It scared the nurse, she hadn't never had a patient talking to her, and then my heart stopped. They had a time getting me back. They had to rebag me, insert that tube back down my throat which made my throat very sore. After I came back, the nurse was so excited, she told me bout it. My family knew something was going on, but they only told them that I had a reaction to some medicine. The doctor never told my family or me what happened. When I confronted him, he just said it wasn't on my list of allergies. I said, it wasn't because I have never taken it before, but it will be now. The pain killer was dilaudid. I don't blame the dr.. for giving me something that stopped my heart, but I do blame him for not telling me and my family so I could add it on my list of allergies. You never know what is happening in a operating room they are keeping it a secret. I think the more you have surgery, the more risk the doctors may kill you. I am scared to have any more surgeries. If it hadn't been for that recovery nurse, I wouldn't have known. Life is precious, and short.

I can't wait to be completely healed so I can do things, go places, and etc..

Laurie Lee, I hope you are alright.

Yall take care. Sending my love from S Ga..Dianne

Comment by Mama Mojo on October 30, 2011 at 5:45pm

Hey Gals, I thought I'd stop by and say hello since I has been a while!  Gosh, has it ever been a while!  I can't recall the last time I even logged in....  but I have been building like mad - I've got a local business going here and am doing quite well and then the magazine article is coming out in November re my building instruments, so I am trying to get ready for that!  


Things are going ok here - as you know, I lost my foster brother a few months back and that's been hard.  I am still dealing with that and the chronic pain that I have had for some time re the post op infection.....  But I think I am having far more good days than bad, and that is an improvement.  I think going to Michigan for my brother's funeral and staying for two weeks forced me to get moving more, and keeping moving is a good thing for me.  My days are really full now, and that is a significant change from before.  I'm still in a lot of pain, but I can either be in pain while I move, or while I accomplish things that are important to me.


so how is everyone else?  Things have been quiet here..... Dianne?  How are you feeling these days?  Zandi, LLC, and the rest of the gang?  How about popping in and letting is know how you are and what you are up to!

Best regards,


Comment by Zandi Z on September 16, 2011 at 12:01pm

Hello, ladies... we finally got some rain..we are very grateful.

Hope you are all better and having pleasant weather. Been housecleaning rather then building.... sending healing vibes...zandi.

Comment by Dianne Woods on September 3, 2011 at 3:52am

Thanks Zandi for the healing vibs. I appreciate it. My back and hip is a little better but not much. I decided to get up this morning and walk around and pretend my hip and back doesn't hurt; maybe the walking will help it. Need to do some washing.

So far, it isn't helping. The day isn't over yet.

Take care Zandi.

Comment by Zandi Z on September 3, 2011 at 12:41am

LLC, cute boys and boat....Chagas, not so cute !!!

In native huts, the smoke from cooking fires tends to keep those and many other bugs away from living spaces.

Waves of young, international extreme sports nuts are careening through the Latin American jungles, looking for thrills, these days....they never go near a campfire and they tend to ignore bug bites and scratches in mucho-macho fashion... and bug spray sweats off the skin quickly in the tropics..... jet-quick travel, too, is a major modern accelerant for the wildfire spread of exotic bug-bourne diseases

I was brought to my knees by Dengue (Breakbone Fever) a few years ago... i got it in the tropics, i did not know i had it till a year later...the good thing about it was that it ultimately led me to CBGs because my muscles ached too much to hold my heavier guitars for long.... of all the 'silver lining' hidden behind Life's clouds, this is a good one.

Love your music still and again, LLC....wishing you healing vibes, DW. I hate 'having to be in bed', but, snoozing away really hot days is not a half bad vacation for body and soul...and not too expensive,either....z.


Comment by Dianne Woods on September 2, 2011 at 8:13pm

LLC, great ditty, sounded great. The row boat is nice looking, you took care of it.

And some nice young men in the row boat. They look like they are having a great time.

Thanks LLC, I have a feeling if we lived closer, we would be good friends.

That is a nasty looking creature. I have never seen one.

Zandi, glad to hear from you. Thanks, I am hoping my back and hip will be much better in a few days; I am so tired of the bed. But I shouldn't complain.

We are hoping for cooler days ahead in Sept.

Yall have a great holiday weekend, and a safe one. DW

Comment by Laurie Lee Campbell on September 2, 2011 at 5:52pm

The song is a uke ditty---written upon finding a youtube music loving friend had closed her channel...she was a gem---don't know why, may have been closed, by you tube =shut down/copyright issues, or closed on account of life, work, busy....she hosted great vids..:-), and always thanked me for inspiration....i feel blessed to inspire..maybe the cause of someone persuing their own ditties!

Ladies, a good night to all.....hope i did'nt scare ya with the pics....!!!

the rowboat was TOO small for three, anyway...really meant for one rower...14 ft, and this mom sat on the stern....

Comment by Laurie Lee Campbell on September 2, 2011 at 5:47pm

Summer,,,,,they call these the dog heart goes out to you who have suffered the unbearable heat...we have had it here before...3 weeks of triple digits, and i know how weary it makes a soul....Dianne, were you my neighbor, I'd come pamper you with some vittles,,,chores, etc, ..The boat was a row boat (held on to the lil red canoe a three seater..., altho I'd be hard pressed to lift it to top of my van by myself,,,almost impossible....the rowboat had a trailer,,,the sale was the value of trailer alone...oh well, I'd rather have good safe brakes than a boat i never had time to use anyway!LOL......I have a REAL soft spot for things made by hand--the rowboat was made by a retired engineer in his garage...plywood with a wineglass hull, patterned after the whitehall boats that are ocean worth--it was a little like a dory...narrow, fast! of handmade things imparted by my wonderful ancestors, who "DID"--they did it all,from canning, to quilting, to cheesemaking, sewing clothes, farming, building,,,etc,,but hand made, you cannot put a price conveyer belt molded plastic  crap from China!...Zandi--great to hear from you, too! ..i tried cats claw---then i was out pruning over a month ago now and my eyes had an almost instant reaction to that==turned RED--I wondered if it was the herbs and so i stopped as a trial...the eyes never got better....I think the lyme  spirochete lives in eyes, tissue, an causes the "over reaction" --just a laymans my knees....they ache, but it's not the bone, it is the back of leg, the connective tissue, tendon, muscle--where they are known to live....... but, .I keep on keepin' on!..i bought Stephen Bueners Healing Lyme book, a really good read.... I was in denial a year...should have gone to doc when i had the rash from mystery bite,,! found a link to a lab in TX...they are using a "new" test that pinpoints the borrelia burgdorferi, but also the co-infections...the tick can pass along numerous lil things --like up to 20 other things, you might not have the Bb bacteria at all, but something else!!! well,.....

we have encountered a new bug, as awful as the tick....triatoma protractus...the kissing bug..anyone in the south is likely hip to this son has suffered now, 4 bites....they are coming in, somehow,,,,I suspect the bloodmeal from rats that were ridded next door was cause for their migration (YUKKKK)....they are looking for food:-( , and it is US........I spent a week researching them , contacting DR's Labs, CDC, universities and scientists....knew more than the doctors i spoke with!!!---vector control had the most son had an allergic reaction to the first bite,,,squished the second bite bug, I ID'd the lil vector--his reaction pretty severe--they impart a anesthetic-he had hives, numb hands, swollen tongue, lips, flushed...they say, the parasite they can impart is not contracted HERE in the US because our north american variety does not eat and poop at same time, as doe the central and south american kissing bug.--the parasite is introduced via aqueous membranes,,,mouth, eyes,,,but also bite wound it wound is scratched and bug pooped/////YUKKKK..which if you contract the parasite can mean in 10-20 years your heart is shot....the poop has the parasite,...I know, really gross....I spread a lil gross, just cause you might encounter the bug, and then you will be on is a pic i took,. too......only since 2007 have they screened US donated blood supplies...the cases they screened positive here since 2007 have been suspected to originate in Latin America, coming here via immigration of folks....this lil bug is the cause of major health issues in other countries, I read  MILLIONS have the disease=Chagas,,,,scary. i had NEVER seen one, in all my more pic, his protracta=a drinking STRAW,.,,NOW.....let's leave this behind, happier thots!!!:-)


Comment by Zandi Z on September 2, 2011 at 1:36pm condolences re brother and kitty...sorry about the leg and hip,DW... 

aches and pains abound lately.

LLC, have you checked out Cat's Claw?...for Lyme's?

Been busy, so not on 'puter as much, but not entirely absent.

Take care, thinking on you...z.

Comment by Dianne Woods on September 1, 2011 at 12:21pm

Hey LLC, I have been in bed since Monday night with my back and hip. Got a cortizone injection in the S1 joint yesterday; hasn't helped much yet. Have to use my crutches to walk, very painful, and very miserable.

My boys are ok, they are looking after their Mama. Bubba looked at my crutches, and looked at me and said; I thought you had put them away, Mama. Bubba knows what the crutches are, because I have accidently dropped them and fell with them; so he is scared of them. He stays clear of them.

I hope everyone is alright from Irene.

I hate you had to sell your row boat; I know how much you liked it. But brakes are more important.

You are right bout garden; too expensive and too much hard work. I found it out the hard way, too.

I guess everyone have been busy, not much communication.

Take care. DW


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Discussion Forum

Who Are You?

Started by Susan Hunt. Last reply by TerryB Apr 7, 2014. 72 Replies

My new guitar

Started by Jillian Holladay. Last reply by Cin wel Sep 4, 2013. 2 Replies


Started by steven beck. Last reply by steven beck May 10, 2012. 2 Replies

Glass Slide

Started by Louise Coulson. Last reply by PEGGY TRAMBLE Nov 20, 2011. 8 Replies

Why do I think we need a woman's group?

Started by Mama Mojo. Last reply by Dianne Woods Jan 5, 2011. 15 Replies

General Discussion

Started by Mama Mojo. Last reply by Dianne Woods Jan 10, 2010. 5 Replies


Started by Susan Hunt. Last reply by Laurie Lee Campbell Jan 4, 2010. 4 Replies

Is anyone else having this problem?

Started by Zandi Z. Last reply by Zandi Z Dec 23, 2009. 8 Replies

Woman-made video and teaching materials

Started by Mama Mojo. Last reply by Mama Mojo Nov 19, 2009. 3 Replies

Accomplished Women Luthiers (for inspiration!)

Started by Mama Mojo. Last reply by Mama Mojo Nov 19, 2009. 6 Replies

Tools Marketed to Women

Started by Mama Mojo. Last reply by Susan Hunt Nov 18, 2009. 1 Reply

Show off your work!

Started by Mama Mojo Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

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