The "Man O' War" is nearly complete. I'm finishing the bridge and saddle and then it just needs some minor adjustments and we're there. Due to the length of the box the distance from the tailpiece to the bridge is long and so the string angle is pretty shallow. Any suggestion on how to increase this angle, given the current positioning? The box is 6"x15"x1.5" and scale length is 25.5".

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if its a slide just raise the nut/bridge a little till your happy.

you can still do the same with frets but becareful you dont raise too high.

Thanks, John. It is fretted, and the strings are a bit high now as I have not finished fitting the nut and the bridge.

You can always make a "string tree" that is a solid bar, with screws on each end that the strings run underneath. Something similar to the vintage electric guitars that have a metal U shaped thingy on the headstock.


Thanks, Dan. I was thinking along those lines. BTW, still love the guitar I bought from you last year.

Cool! Thanks...Aloha


Ewww. Can't slide the bridge / saddle back toward the tailpiece, cuz that changes the scale length...fretted, so that nails it down too...could possibly shim it up, but that changes the intonation...could crank yer head stock angle back more (oops, rebuild haedstock)...could reset the neck angle to crank it back even more (bet this is a non-starter)...could remove the fretboard, and essentially shim that upward a 1/4" (bet that's Led Zeppelin territory, too)...could remove the kewl tailpiece, and run the string downward right behind the bridge, through the neck, and the back of the box (I can hear you starting to cuss my name) could slide the bridge / saddle back a whole 1.5", and string it for a 27" baritone build a new neck and headstock, both with back angles...ummm...nope, got nothin', man...

Dan Sleep hit it right with a string tree. I'll place it between the tailpiece and the bridge. Stewmac has them.

Use a couple of string tree rollers/cups usually found on the head of a guitar. That type of idea.

Also.. If I am thinking correctly.. Mandolins sometimes have a device behind the bridge to dampen string vibration and increase volume (due to sympathetic resonance cancellation) that might also work to your advantage. Have a look at those online.

Thinking more about this..if you put a small U shape behind the bridge to pull them down, you might get more volume into the soundboard as the energy of the strings behind the bridge will also be pulled into the soundboard. It would need to be very light. 

And if you attach a Bigsby Tremelo unit to the tailpiece, you'd get a similar effect...hmmm.

I know this will not look as good, but you could straighten out the tailpiece, and screw it to the top of the box, just behind the bridge. I just saw "Oily"s last response about the Bigsby. That's a thought!

That's a thought, and would work, but I think I'll go with a string tree.


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