I've been a software developer for more than 30 years, and a web developer for at least 15, but I'm just thick headed when it comes to most social sites.  I find them impossible to understand and navigate.  

Cigar Box Nation and YouTube aren't too bad.  I've just created an artist page at ReverbNation, and one at Facebook to try and get a web presence to help with getting gigs and getting people out to come to them -- but I can't figure out what to do, where.  I also have my own web site (davidgraybeard.com), which is very simple, and has a couple of ties back to Facebook.

Here a a few things I've been struggling with in particular:

  • I've created a "band page" at Facebook, but I can't figure out how to get people to subscribe to it.  They can subscribe to my personal page, but that doesn't make sense.  They can Like my band page, but that won't put them on a mailing list for my gigs.  
  • Does Liking something here or Subscribing on YouTube affect Facebook?  I don't think so, but I'm wondering if there is a way to tie all of them really together for both subscribing and liking.
  • I have started posting videos of some of my tunes here, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add any text to them to describe what they're about.

Wondering if other people are in the same boat and anyone can share tips and suggestions? Has anyone here started a group where we can help support each other through shared Facebook likes?

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Hi David - liked your website and that violin guitar sounds so good!

we're all in the same boat - just put your best stuff out there and things will grow....or not! (-;

as for adding text there is an editing box top right of your video you can add text with after video is posted, there is a text form to fill in when your video is uploading too.,


Free beer?

I struggle with all this David. Like you are aware...you can't post music on facebook without a host site like reverb nation. I am constantly trying to find ways to expand my exposure too. There are many people out there who say they can get you more hits, but what good is it if they are not really interested in your service or product? I don't think, I can't be of any real help to you in a technical sense, but any ideas you want to share, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Enjoy the struggle, Keni Lee  

I did find artistdata.com late last night. You're supposed to be able to update all of your sites from one location, which would be a help. Haven't seen anything about a "one subscribe to rule them all" function. Guess that is a business opportunity just waiting to be exploited!

There might be some useful information at http://blog.hubspot.com/ .

Wow, thanks!  That looks like it has potential.

One thing I can add is to make sure all your websites/pages are compatible with mobile devices. There are now just as many mobile users as non-mobile ones, and it's still growing. I know people who like to check the web on their phone while they're out looking for something to do.

Since you do blues, you should consider listing your dates with your local Blues Society, if they have a gig calendar service.

This isnt my area, and I admit it, but maybe this is worth a look.

If you are trying to get internet airplay for you independant music check out Jango Airplay

If you are trying to sell your music you might be interested in CD Baby

If you are interested in a web hosting service for a band website you might take a look at Host Baby

Obviously none of this is taking advantage of the free nature of social media exposure, but then, some of us not only dont use facebook/twitter/whatever, but are perhaps committed to NEVER go down that road.

Just trying to help, if at all possible


One thing I probably didn't make very clear in the original post is that my question isn't as much about getting exposure as it is about management.  It's more about how to manage multiple sites without going crazy.  I like playing music, but I hate goofing around with web sites.  I'm looking for a "one site to rule them all" kind of thing that will make it centralized and super easy to keep under control.

"one site to rule them all"

Sauron's Coffeehouse?
Palantir? (actually, not a bad name.hmmm.)

If you find a one site rules em all solution please let me know. I have joined all kinds of sites, and when I put my album out on Monday it was a major PAIN trying to update them all with the new songs. You just get to grips with them, but the next time you go back it will all have changed. Got so annoyed with Myspace I tried to delete the account (which I haven't managed to do yet!!) I find bandcamp simple and easy to use for selling music, and there's no money up front, and reverb nation seems to have quite a lot happening, but I get as confused as hell by the way they all link up with each other : -/

            Oh and most importantly I love your music : -)

Hi David, I work with Facebook's APIs and my dad asked me to chime in and help if I could.

> I've created a "band page" at Facebook, but I can't figure out how to get people to subscribe to it. They can subscribe to my personal page, but that doesn't make sense. They can Like my band page, but that won't put them on a mailing list for my gigs.

Liking a page is the equivalent of Subscribing to a profile. Status updates from that page will appear in the users "ticker" (right side) and sometimes in their home page news feed. (That depends on a secret Facebook algorithm, kind of like how google ranks pages..)

I believe there is a down arrow in the upper right of Facebook that lets you "browse Facebook as Page XWZ". Then you can post the status updates for that page.

> Does Liking something here or Subscribing on YouTube affect Facebook? I don't think so, but I'm wondering if there is a way to tie all of them really together for both subscribing and liking.

Nope, and I'm not aware of any good way to tie them all together.

>I have started posting videos of some of my tunes here, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add any text to them to describe what they're about.

Not sure about that one, I'm fairly new here.

Hopefully that was helpful :)


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