Hello all,

I'm now up to my 5th CBG and fell into a nice lot of boxes to work with.  I have some wonderful Fuentes boxes that are wood with paper labels.  The CBGs I have built so far have all been solid wood with no labels and they sound great!  I was just wondering though..... would the paper covering on the boxes damp vibrations?

My Oliva and 1960 boxes just ring like a bell when strummed.  When you tap the paper covered boxes they just seem to be a bit "dead" but I'm wondering if it might not be my imagination.  I love the artwork on the paper covered boxes but my affinity to wood is pulling me that way.

Any thoughts on that?


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Hey!  I remember that stuff! :)

  I did spray two coats of polyurethane on a paper box about a year ago .   It has just started to wear through where I pick .  The trim pieces of paper around the outside of the box have come unglued in spots .  Check how well the trim paper is glued to the box and improve if needed !   To easy to rip off chunks when just hanging on !        I would like to always use wood boxes, but they're just not as available to me as paper .        Build on, Gene !

the fuente boxes ive used have wood sides and back, but the paper covered top is a press board material. its nice and stiff and works just fine. ive also made a cbg with a fuente box and glued the top shut and flipped it over and used the back as my sound board. it was a thin ply and half the thickness of the lid and sounded great. i also like to strip all the paper off and stain the box, but only because i think it looks cooler. i dont do it for because of sound. build a few and use your ears. 

Jeff - any pics of the one you flipped and made the back the top?

I'm thinking of doing the Fuente box on the right that way as a 6-string with telecaster guts and stuff. The cool artwork on the lid would be under all of it.  I'll fill the box with a blank made of poplar or red oak and route a proper neck pocket, so I have a strong base to work from.  I curious to see if it looks odd with the lid on the back.

no pics but you can see the guitar in most off my shed vids from this summer as that box no longer exists(the neck was saved and reused).

and michael is right about finishes, i polyurathaned a box and destroyed the sound. made it sound weak and brittle.

ive never seen an arturo fuente box like yours, that looks nice.

Careful with the thick clear finishes on the box, it may cause some change in sound, better or worse is up to the listener.

Not if you play it really loud!!

OK, I'm still laughing at this one. I'm sorry, but I'm busting at the seems.Michael, were you being serious?  If not.  Forgive me but I'm sort of new here. Not real good with forum-speak.

So, if you were being serious, This is what I had to share.

Talking about the sound or acoustic qualities of a cigar box as a guitar body, is like worrying over whether to put gold or platinum fixtures in a mobile home.  Ok, I feel better now. Let's jam...

Man!  He threw down his 'bo.........

So do you think Mod Podge is gonna kill the tone and wreck the sustain? :-)

Dude some guys around here put half the kitchen sink on the fkrs!! Heh what's a little glue between friends? If you're the scrapbookin type dentists offices with old women's weeklys abound

I've built two for about $10 and about 10 hours time, well, plus the 2 or 3 more fiddling with them. I hated putting sanding sealer on them. That stuff's $7 a can.  They have been more fun than the Les Paul kit, I just finished...yeah, lacquer...yeah, all that.

These have been way more fun and no worry. Everyone that see them thinks they're cool. I can't play for crap, yet.  Time and practice...it's that they are cigar boxes that sound like wicked blues. That's what hooked me. I just play louder.  At about 10.5, it settles down. Just slide into it. 

Give me a few weeks and I'll have $300 in one just like them. I get how it happens.  I just get to laughing when I see tone quality and cigar box together in the same thought. I'm just sure he was being sarcastic.  

The Lester wore me out.The Great Madeline Kahn said it best, 





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