some may agree and some wont but who cares.

it has been said that there are no rules when it comes to playing the CBG.

even knot lenny has said so.

the ph/kid said that's bullshit. well it is if your playing in a group etc or with other musicians .

my view of no rules is this if you just playing for your own amusement ,then this to me no rules apply.

whether playing with a slid or finger's.

string tuning in my book if you haven't got a tuner  is to tune the strings so that it sound sweet to you after all your the one who'll be listening to it.

a lot of the problem(and I'm no expert) is with beginners over think things and get lost in all the rigmarole of things in translation or what ever you call it.

did the poor generations who came up with this idea of CBG's knew any thing about cords?? I don't thinks so.if it sound nice and clear that was good enough for them and so it should be for us.

the whole idea of Cbg's is to have twang away folks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well said Ted !  Although I had no Idea Shane coined the term "No Rules" - The guy who built one of my CBG's built his own in England in 1953 , age 9 and I doubt if he even thought that deeply about Rules . I did'nt realise there was a chronology to breaking instrument building rules or playing that only began 2003 ? 

Sorry to be grumpy Ted. It's 7.25 am , dark , freezing :-( ....

Shane started the CBG Yahoo group in September 2003*.  I was member 12 a few days later, and got attention cause I had used piezo to amp mine. (Johnny Lowbow & Red Dog are the only ones of us 3 that go back that far).  I'm more a builder and build educator than a player.  I posted every day. Builds and answers. 

Shane was the player and the fool with a vision that CBGs could become popular.  In December 2008 Shane created this here place called the Nation, and I was the tech guy and he was the mouthpiece (who is member #1 here?)

Shane gets all the credit for the widespread exposure of CBGs.  I've been online every day since then preaching the CBG gospel, answering questions and providing pats on the back, and since 2009 been herding cats at the Clubhouse - for ALL homemade instruments & music

There's a great history of these folk instruments, but it's taken us over a dozen years to get it to where it is today.  I'm amazed that we are such a great community where everyone is willing to share their knowledge and be friends.  I've met 50 or so from online over the years and consider a lot of y'all friends, even if we never met.

Today, we are worldwide, and interest and exposure are at an all time high.  The Clubhouse and the Nation are going strong, plus there are 20 or so Facebook CBG groups - there's even a FB group for posting a pic of your cat with your CBG???? - Shane would be rolling over in his grave, errr, errr, never mind...

 * Shane had also started a Geocities site, with corny gifs but also a lot of prelim info about CBGs.  Sadly, he deleted it in another moment of doubt ...

Oh wait - no rules


Thanks for the CBN history ... and yes I did notice the "picture with your cat " group :-) I'm relatively  new to CBN and it's been refreshing to say the least , that there really is a community spirit and not just a bunch of people being rude to each other when peoples opinions don't match ..

Long live the Cigar Box Nation ! 


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