I,ve almost finished a double neck CBG (Three strings on each neck) and I'm trying to decide what strings and what tunings

to use on each neck . Any ideas or suggestions ..

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I would suggest this:

On the one closest to your head:
Low to high G D g (use the A, D, and g string from a medium pack of strings)
You can play bass.

On the one closest to your feet:
Low to high g b d (use the g, b, and e strings) you may want to substitute the high e string with a .016 for better tension and tone.
You can play chords and bottleneck lead lines.

I need to get me one of these someday. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. Nice building. Enjoy.
I can't help you, but I can say that is a pretty awesome guitar.
Thanks guys for the reply . Ted ,thats what I was thinking was to split a set of strings and tune it to maybe open G . Thanks Paul and Keni for the comments . I'll let you guys know what I come up with ...
Shouldnt the top neck have 6 strings, and the bottom one three strings?
Not that I don't appreciate intuitive, follow your nose and spit in the wind building... I do it all the time, but....

what in the world seduced you to build a two necker without any thought about the (ahem) different instruments you wanted to combine in one guitar????? Looks to me like you built two identical three stringers and now (a little late) you want them to sound different.....

Anyway, nice looking build... post some sound files... If you want a really different sound make one over as a weedwacker bass...

the best,

Wichita Sam
on my build like this that is exactly what i did[ what ted said] i got a set, put the wound strings on the top neck and the unwound strings on the bottom neck.i tuned the top to an open tuning and then tuned the bottom to the same open tuning but one octive higher. as a cool experiment it worked out good. but the options are unlimited cause you can use two different tuning styles or multiple combinations of tunings like one neck open tuning and the other neck standard tuning in the same pitch or key. you have built a very versatile machine so you can try different things with it and change it up many different ways till you find the combination you like best yep. my pic of this type guitar says it was december 2008 when i built it so it was one of the first 5 guitars i had built since joining the nation. good work my friend you have done here.
i plan to build a double neck soon, and i'm looking forward to having one tuned AEa, like i normally use for song writing and cover playing, and the other will be DAD so that i can play in the key that seems most common amongst cigar boxes and dulcimers.

i'm also considering an open fretless AEa on one and a fretted neck on the other, for chording, maybe a four-stringer.


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