i was recording , havnt played for a while (back injury) anyway i was really into it , with headphones on . trying to nail the 3rd track . i eventually realized my fingers were really getting bad . i had to stop . the next morn i had a long sideways blister in my index finger.  this ever happen to you ?


the fretts are lil nails , so i guess i should seat em a lil lower next time . or just not take such long breaks , then play for 4 hours . DOH .  i will post a vid soon . got more work on this piece . its pretty interesting .


different , very different .

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This happened to me when I was 10 and learned my first song. I played it for days. It wasn't until now that I thought of how fitting the song was...BLISTER in the Sun by the Violent Femmes.

Thrust your fingers into hot sand to strengthen them. (I saw this in a Kung Fu movie) LOL

The sweet pain! Enjoy. 

ever see calamity of snakes ?


lol .


i cant wait to finish this turd . i am going to do some vox / other special effect money buisness today . i may end up hooking up an atari , ever hear of synth cart , the atari 2600 sfx cartradge ?  i got it , it may fit perfect on this .

Maybe you can switch to nylon strings for a while. You can use ukulele strings (Aquilla Nylgut are great sounding strings) or you can buy a set of guitar strings for a Classical Guitar (they are nylon, and longer if you have a long scale length). For kids and other newbies, I recommend nylon strings. They are really a lot easier on ones fingers, and will work with electric if you guitar uses piezo pickups.



Blisters? I used to get blood all over the fretboard of my bass when I'd get going on a long set. LOL!

Theres still a little bottle of tincture of mercurichrome <SP?> or iodine or something in one of my cases from those days.

I find the fingers get soft pretty quickly when I dont play regularly and even a little song or two on something as light as my little uke makes the fingertips feel pretty tender. And thats with pretty tough "blue collar" conditioned hands!

Hmm, "blood on the fingerboard" might make a cool instrumental! (Surely its been done.)

This is why I'm glad I've played some sort of stringed instrument almost every day for the past 15 years. I have built up calluses that can with stand almost anything lol

yeah , its been tough since i got injured . one of the reasons i built a cbg , they dont bother me like a real guitar / bass ! money is not a viable option at this point , ill be sticking with what i have , but thats a great suggestion , i actually would love to have a nylon sound to use .

checking out some new software . i got ableton live , some chiptune app , a glitch sample disk , and some drum samples . things are moving very slowly . my wife started full time so i have been picking up the slack . havnt had much time to play around . but i have been modding / soldering stuff on the side , setting up more equipment and the software work too .


its been too long since my last solo disk . i want a whole new set of tools so i can expand my sound . this first set of recordings is gonna be a challenge , im pretty exited .  i had another project (12 songs) that i shelved after 2 , that will be a breaze to finish when i get all this new crap up and running , so i can do 2 more disks . not too shabby . if my body can handle it .


going to the countrys top rehab facility in march so . . .

i get blisters on my fingers all the time. when it gets too bad i just break out the slide and skip the fretting. Then i get a blister on my third finger because i use it to mute the strings in front of the slide. I guess that's where the blues fit in...LOL!

Yep.  I had some good calluses built up until I had hand surgery in November.  The calluses softened up pretty quickly.  Gonna get me some new blisters real soon - LOL.  It'll be worth it, though.  I hope yours heal quickly for you!
Remember what John Lennon says at the end of Helter Skelter...

That was Ringo....

i always thought that was ringo 1 , oh well .


pc problems . reinstalling on 2 machines . this is the will be the fifth complete system reinstall i have done in a month . hoping i didnt loose too much here with the song . this is going to take quite a bit more time . when its up and running i'll have a machine for soft-synth/sampling and another for recording with tons of plug ins .


these are 3 gig p4's so . . .


it should be really cool , when i get it working .




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