I've been building for about a year and half now. In that time I've built 3-three stings, 2- Four strings, 2-ukes and 2- Six strings. Not in that order.

Usually, just as i'm finishing a build I start thinking about the next instrument I'd like to try( Lapsteel or banjo). For the sake of my marrage I'm trying to slow my production down.

So, in 18 months I have 9 new instuments all of which I love but I still just want to make more.

So how many can you keep around before you become a hoarder?


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   If we count everything...

   Oh dear god in heaven forgive me for my gluttony.

   They can pry my Danelectro's from my cold dead fingers!

I with you.  I wish I bought more vintage Danelectros before they became stylish.

teiscos !!!!!!!! ;-)


I do this as many here do for a hobby. My son just told me "you don't make anything off them".  I have 1 uke, 1 winebox reso, 2 fretted 3 strings, 1 non fretted 3 string, all in my closet. This after I sold a 1 string didley bow, and gave away a 2 string cardboard box coffee lid reso and a lap didley bow. I also was commissioned to build a 3 string padron that was sold at a very fair price. I am currently on build # 12 (I think) and this is the chess records tribute build. My first 6 string and much wiring to do for pots and pick ups.

I also have about 6 other builds drawn up including a lap steel and a banjo.

Fun hobby, what can one say.

Naw  Uj  U aint no hoarder     ,,,  Now  42 in same house ,, that is a professional hoarder  !!!


I'm like u   I'm only chump change    got 8 here and 5 on consignement   

11 finished CBG's. 2 on the bench that are consignments and one in my head that I'll start tomorrow.

Also have my newest tin build. So, not counting the one (or more) in my head that's 14.

I'll be thinning my commercial guitar collection in the coming months. I'm at 54 as of last count. I figure there's another 2 or 3 floating at various relatives houses as well.


I have my first one, then the first really good one, then one I made with my dog Chloe before she passed away (sentimental keeper) and an odd one with wings that my wife calls the ugly one. So just 4 for now, but I have a pile of box's set aside for me. But i do play them all until they sell, to make sure they work well ; )

If anyone wants to add to there collection I am building a bunch of Padron boxed guitars, message me if interested. I give deals to nation members.


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