Hey all you at CBG Nation. I'm a newer member, (just signed up like a month ago), and have begun my 1st build already. I kind of stumbled into this whole world just by browsing the web pretty much. I'm an avid guitar player and a big fan of folk/blues music, so this is really exciting DIY experience.

Anyways.... by looking through this site, with all these groups and forum posts, I've begun to realize that there is a heck of a lot us out here, so I just thought it would be pretty cool to know how you all came into the world of CBG's.

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I built and sold unfretted old time mtn style open back banjos . But my area is considered one of the hearts of bluegrass.The bluegrass guys sneer at fretless banjo's and will argue, sometimes loudly that it aint really a "REAL" banjo,
So every day I'd get a bluegrass "expert" who refused to acknowledge mtn style banjos as even playable.Not to mention that the amount I had to set per sale put me above factory made instruments and I started doing research looking for something else I could build and sell . I had this idea of something that was historic, had eye appeal ( something that is very important when your selling to the general public),VERY IMPORTANT,AND a truly playable snappy instrument.
I had thought I had found a formula building necks on banjos that would work on something else also.
I dont really remember exactly when cigarboxes got in my mind or where I found the concept. I had heard of CBG's, never seen one,or heard one played.So in my mind I had them rated as a sort of toy.
Until I heard one on line,,,,,,,,
I was blown away, the history,simple concept,sound,,,,,,,, ya THATS IT!
I built a couple to see if it worked,put them in our craft store , so I could watch them just sit there,,,,,
And just sit there they did,,,,,until one day I walked in the store and started playing one.....
HMMM , the public got it, they started selling immediately.It just flat exploded!
I went from almost no sales to "I cant build them fast enough sales" right then.AT that point I had to come up with a building formula that got me from parts to sellable product in short order.I paid attention to what customers said, my prices,THE TIME I SPENT ON EACH INSTRUMENT /COST .AND found what I think is a workable formula,to actually make my time spent pay off in change.
Now days , I have to admit that there are days, now and then,,,,,,, that the last thing I want to do is go out and build enough for that week.However ,all in all I have a great time in the actual selling process,I meet all kinds of people everyday from all over the country and visitors from other countries that are bowled over by CBG's.
I tend to take the same path as Shane does in that whatever I'm building, I cant get it built fast enough to suit me.
Patience is a Virtue , but its clearly NOT one of MINE ,,,,,,,,lol
But being and old performer , that thought his days of showing off in public were over.This craft has kind of put me back in the old "saddle" as far as an area where I can play and maybe even entertain folks a bit.
I have great fun showing off CBG's and DB's to the public,its fun, they SEE its fun, and affordable, and they want one too.
Every once in a while I'll get "busted" in that someone figures out that I really have NO idea what I'm doing when I play a CBG, but thats ok. LOL They have fun, I have fun and they leave with a new CBG and I walk away with THEIR money, I think thats fair LOL


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