hey guys, Ive built a couple of guitars so far, and Im looking to improve the way that I make them. I have a question about cutting the neck holes out of the cigar box. What I am doin right now, is Im using my fret saw to make the vertical cuts, and for the horozontal cuts I slowly cut through the wood with a razor. This obviously take a very long time and I was wondering what some of you did. -Alex

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I use a Swann-Morton surgical scalpel with 10A blades- the sharp, stiff blade gives an accurate clean cut, but watch out for your fingers! Use a straight edge and take it easy, too much pressure will snap the blades. I find this goes thru' both solid wood and ply boxes pretty well.
Hey Alex, I do the same as you with the fret saw for vertical cuts, but then I get a real sharp chisel, support the box edge on the back with a block of wood, line up the flat side of the chisel with the pencil mark and give it a whack. If you make sure the angled side of the chisel is facing the wood to be removed, you should get a nice clean cut. If you only have a narrow chisel tap it gently and move it along the pencil line side to side until piece comes free. Works for me.
Julian Perry said:
Hey Alex, I do the same as you with the fret saw for vertical cuts, but then I get a real sharp chisel, support the box edge on the back with a block of wood, line up the flat side of the chisel with the pencil mark and give it a whack. If you make sure the angled side of the chisel is facing the wood to be removed, you should get a nice clean cut. If you only have a narrow chisel tap it gently and move it along the pencil line side to side until piece comes free. Works for me.

This is how I do it.
It is quick, easy and it works.
But I do clean the edges up ( if needed) with a very sharp chisel and small, purpose built sanding block.

I just used a coping saw. 60-grit and a block squares it all up nice and quick.
a dremel with a cut off wheel and a file to clean it up.
I used to do that, now I do all the cuts with a copping saw, a little sanding and Bob's your uncle.
I use a dremal with a downward spirel bit from a roto zip cut just up to the line and file the rest and sand smooth. Take care the dremal will try to run on you
I chew on mine a bit, takes awhile but they turn out alright and besides I need the extra fiber in my diet
And if you're good at it, you can turn out a couple toothpicks for when you're finished.

Tracy Kennedy said:
I chew on mine a bit, takes awhile but they turn out alright and besides I need the extra fiber in my diet
wow... i just tried the razor blade/fret saw method on a new guitar i started this week. It was easier and took less effort than I would have ever thought. It may have taken 5 minutes to do it and file it to perfection. The dremel is still faster, but at least I know I can live without it.


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